Monday, November 25, 2013

Stanley Sherr is VL Magazine Artist of the Day

© Playground Basketball By Stanley Sherr

© Under The EL On White Plains Road By Stanley Sherr

© Peeling An Egg By Stanley Sherr

"Abstraction can involve an application of a medium to a surface that changes it and the rectangle, and the evolving image, and continues to do so every time the pencil, pastel, or paint is applied. The image transforms by addition, alteration, or reduction until what is acceptable to me as a final resolution has been reached. Hopefully, the result presents an interesting configuration of forms, values, colors, and textures that produce a desirable drama, poetry, or intellectually stimulating image that moves the viewer.
With figurative work that same combination of elements should result in pleasing pictures. However with realism or figuration the final image is for the most part already in the mind's eye." Stanley Sherr

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